Sunday 23 October 2011

Life takes over..

It seems like I won't be able to cultivate my many Christmassy gifty ideas this year as I continue to struggle to keep up with uni work and to motivate myself to do it. Is this life taking over? Or is this life being taken over? It's hard right now to stick at it when I feel like I'd much rather be out there, living, but I know that if I don't try hard at uni now I'll regret it if I don't get the degree I want at the end of the year. It's less than a year now in fact - after my January exams I will only have half of my final year left to do! I guess I must just concentrate on that for now, even though I'm determined not to let go or forget about all the other things I want to do. I want to make so many things, read so many books, go so many places! I wonder if keeping a tally of months, weeks, days till I graduate would help.. hmm.. maybe not.. it might just make me a bit obsessive. Perhaps a giant computerized scrapbook/folder for all my future projects would help - something I can keep adding to, then when I'm all done with uni I can have a lovely big selection of things to choose from :) Yes, I find that thought encouraging. I think its a good thought to go to bed on. Goodnight.

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