Thursday 20 October 2011

Homemade Owl

I was over visiting my boyfriend today so took a pic of the wee owl I made for him a while back so you could see. The pattern and instructions I used came from this tutowlrial which I found when browsing for crafty things online. I decided to go with some more .. interesting fabric than used in the tutowlrial, not only because I thought it was more cheerful but because, as in previous projects, I already had it!

I found the pattern reasonably easy to follow but did encounter some problems in matching up the seams - it just didn't want to fit in some bits and I was worried the owl was going to turn out wonky. Luckily he didn't but when I made a second owl later on I re-shaped the pattern a bit in the hope it would be easier to sew. This was not the case - I simply ended up with a much smaller owl! Nonetheless, I think my mum was please with it.

If any one else has tried/is going to try making this owl I would love to see pics! I was wondering if it could be modified in some way to make a different creature .. and ideas?

Here's a photo of my Singer to finish, with Bagpuss who also joined in the fun and gave me a wee hand .. paw .. with the initial stitching of the owl. He also helped choose some of the fabric, can you tell? :]

1 comment:

Helen said...

baggy so suits that sewing machine!!!!